Artists In Residence
The Basement Films’ Artist-in-Residence program grew out of a need to exercise our non profit’s collection of more than 8,000 16mm films and approximately 1,000 8mm films (see searchable databases at https://www.basementfilms.org/archives).
In the past we have used the collection for unique screenings, scholarly research, found-footage filmmaking, and loop making workshops. For our residency program artists are tasked with the job of conducting creative research amongst our collection (with the assistance of student interns) and then presenting the results of their research in a public screening/lecture. The length of a residency is negotiable, however most artists have been with us for a period of 3-4 weeks. Please know that there is no formal application process, and that in the past residents have been selected by invitation only. However, we would love to hear from you if interested in this opportunity that also includes housing, travel allowances and an honorarium.
To date, we have hosted the following artists:
• Wago Kreider (http://mcma.siu.edu/people/faculty/radiotelevisionanddigitalmedia/kreider.html)
• Anja Dornieden and Juan David Gonzales Monroy (http://www.ojoboca.com/)
• Caryn Cline (http://caryncline.com/)
• Kamila Kuc (http://kamilakuc.com/)
• Linda Fenstermaker (https://nwfilm.org/directors/linda-fenstermaker/)
• Julie Perini (http://julieperini.org/)
• Marika Borgeson (http://marikaborgeson.com/)
• Rankin Renwick (http://www.odoka.org)
• Marcella Earnest (https://art.unm.edu/profile/marcella-ernest-ojibwe/)
• Elizabeth Lowe
• Jeremy Rourke (https://www.jeremyrourke.com/)

Wago Kreider

Anja Dornieden and Juan David Gonzales Monroy

Caryn Cline

Jeremy Rourke

Linda Fenstermaker

Julie Perini

Kamila Kuc

Rankin Renwick
Marika Borgeson